Q: Hello,
thank you very much for drawing my attention to you newest tool. There are two things that Formoid absolutely needs in my opinion:
1. For select fields, checkboxes and radio buttons, there should be a possibility to enter the values, not only the text shown for the items. Often the text could for example be much longer than the value I'd like to process in a jquery contact form script. Maybe the item definitions could allow something like
Choose the biggest shirt size if you're an elephant==biggest
2. There should be an option allowing me to choose between HTML and XHTML Tags (and maybe even the DOCTYPE).
Otherwise the code has to be adjusted manually every time.
There's a third feature I'd really like to see in Formoid: fieldsets (and legends) for structuring bigger forms.
I'm looking forward to the next versions of Formoid! :) I guess there will be several templates to choose from in the final product (just as in your other tools)?
With best regards.
A: Thank you for your interest in our products.
We've sent your request to our developer team.