magical form maker

Formoid is a free desktop app that helps you easily create web forms, web form design, contact forms, contact us form and more in a few seconds without writing a single line of code. Create awesome online forms in just a few clicks.

Differences between free and full versions of html5 form validation

Q: Hello. Great product!
Can you tell me what differences between free and full versions of this application?

Thank you.

A: Free version is for non-commercial use only. It provides:
1) "Made with Formoid" link on forms;
2) possibility to test forms on our server;
3) forms will be wiped out in 4 hours.

Commercial version allows to use form on unlimited commercial websites.
It provides:
1) no "Made with Formoid" link on forms;
2) possibility to host forms on our server;
3) forms will not be wiped out.